About six weeks ago, CODEO launched its activities aimed at supporting the 2019 District Level Elections and the then impending Referendum to decide whether political parties should be allowed to sponsor candidates to District Assemblies or Lower Local Government Units. Following an announcement by President Nana Akufo-Addo on December 1, 2019 which cancelled the Referendum, the Electoral Commission (EC) notified the public of the cancellation of the Referendum on December 9, 2019. So far, CODEO has carried out its two major interventions in support of the District Level Elections. As announced at the November 5 Press Launch at the AH Hotel, CODEO deployed 260
CODEO deploys 8000 observers and opens its National Information Center STATEMENT ON THE VOTER REGISTER ahead of Elections day
The Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) has expressed optimism in the ability of Ghanaians to go to the polls peacefully and use tomorrow’s elections